Wednesday, July 18, 2007

For art 6 non-profit means just that

I recently read a blog for a local artist who runs a small gallery saying something to the likes of-

I don't have the grants and big supporters like the other non-profit
galleries (referring particularly to a Ukrop being part owner of Gallery 5)

Well, wake up and smell the money burning- art 6 doesn't have big grants and high-falutin' supporters either, mister! As recently as last year, we seriously wondered if a gallery like this would be able to continue at all. Due to some great hustling by some members, we received a small grant for a computer, and recently have been approved for a matching grant for $2,000 by the Virginia Commission for the Arts, BUT THATS ABOUT IT!

We are a member-gallery. We are here when the doors are open, and when they aren't we're taking down and hanging the old and new shows. We take out the trash, we clean the toilet, we work in committees to plan into the next two years what art we will bring and present to Richmond fans.

In the meantime, we buy beer and ABC licenses for First Fridays, we work in the shop selling all sorts of local artwork, we pay taxes (yes, non-profits do pay taxes), we climb ladders to replace burned-out bulbs. On our own time, on our own dimes, we show up and work to display art from all over the world and get a chance to sometimes, show our own.

When you drop a dollar in the jar on First Friday, we're not embarrassed to say 'Thank you!" We really mean it. Imagine how much we would mean it if you sat down right now and wrote a check to help us (pay the utilities, buy printer paper, keep the beer cold and the art hot!)

art 6 - Downtown! All the time!

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